Homework: Giving Yourself Credit & Helping Two Others

You see, even though you have been through it yourself, you might think you are not ready to mentor someone else through it. But you are so much more ready than you know! If you can cook a meal, you can teach someone else how to cook that meal, right? All you are doing is helping someone else do exactly what you have already done. But who? You certainly don’t want to force it on anyone who is not interested. But you will find that life has a way of bringing you the two people you need to help. Just be on the lookout for them. They may be your good friends, a family member, or someone you just happen to meet. Who do you know who is going through a rough time? Who do you know who is not enjoying a life of peace and joy? Who comes to you for advice? Here’s how you do it…

  • Update your profile on LastingPeace.org to show that you are in Stage Six and taking new students 
  • Your first two students must be at no charge. After that, you will earn your Mentor title and can charge all you like, IF you care to take on any more.
  • Just show others to the website and share your experience. 
  • Get them started. As soon as they sign up, they will start getting this same email course.
  • Check in with them weekly to answer their questions based on your own experience. 
  • Meanwhile, continue your own growth!

Remember… you only need to help two others, encourage them to help two others as well, and watch your tree branch grow!

If you just cannot bring yourself to help two others right now, don’t judge yourself harshly. You are exactly where you need to be. Just continue your own growth and the time will come. 🙂


Here are the most common questions when it comes to helping others…

  • But I’m no expert! – and no one expects you to be. You are just human, going through this experience of growth, helping others through nothing more than your own experience. Your own humanity is enough.
  • How do I bring it up? – Keep it simple. If someone comes to you for advice, just tell them about what worked for you in this process. Tell them you would be happy to guide them through it. Send them the link. Tell them it is not about money, it’s about global peace one person at a time and it’s WORKING.
  • What if I’m not good enough to help them? – If You are human, you are good enough. We are here on this Earth to help each other. Go back and do the exercises from Stage Six on breaking the trance of unworthiness. You are so very worthy and you are more ready than you know. Someone needs you and you are equal to the task.
  • But I still have issues I am working out. – We all do! That work is never done. We are in constant evolution and growth. There is no time like the present!
  • What if they are just not ready? – This is important… don’t force people into this journey if they are not ready. This journey is about helping people who are ready to be helped and want to take this journey for themselves. By NO means should you ever push the subject. If they have seen the site and understand the concept and are not ready, don’t bring it up again. Everyone takes this journey in some form in their own time.

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October 27, 2019